PinnOne is the financial assistant
for your Google Suite

PinnOne is the financial assistant
for your Google Suite

No credit card required

Get relieved from the ongoing stress of accounting with PinnOne Receipts

Collect and send receipts
to your accountant with just a few clicks

Collect and send receipts
to your accountant with just a few clicks

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Get relieved from the ongoing stress of accounting with PinnOne Receipts

Take back control over your software
spend with PinnOne Software Manager

Take back control over your software spend with PinnOne Software Manager

Download the Chrome extension and track your tools, 100% automatically

Download the Chrome extension and track your tools, 100% automatically

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Let PinnOne take the heavy lifting off your mind, and off your plate

Let PinnOne take the heavy

lifting off your mind, and off your plate

Need more info?

Need more info?

Talk with the founders directly.

Talk with the founders directly.

Rasmus Flink


Alfred Ödling



© PinnOne 2024


Made with ⛄️ in Sweden